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For anything in a sentence

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Sentence count:199+4Posted:2018-07-14Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: for all the worldfor any pricefor love or moneySimilar words: anythinganything butif anythinglike anythinghardly anythingplaythingeverythingthink nothing of itMeaning: adv. under any circumstances. 
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(61) Oh, they won't go for anything so crude as physical torture.
(62) The future, politically and economically, looks quite too far gone for anything but a divine intervention to help.
(63) Bradley, despite his 1735 endorsement of the sea clock, felt little affinity for anything outside astronomy.
(64) It shows that nuclear power workers are nice, middle-class people who wouldn't hurt the environment for anything.
(65) But, my dear sirs, when peace does come, you may call on me for anything.
(66) Sure, he wouldn't be killed for anything he had on him, the poor soul.
(67) A young man was beaten on two occasions but never arrested for anything.
(68) I had not asked him for anything, nor had I expected anything.
(69) But I was determined to get her ready for anything we might meet in the great outdoors.
(70) On Jerba I had made it clear that I was not in the market for anything and they left me alone.
(71) They dug in garbage piles, looking for anything at all, banana skins, orange peels(, discarded greens.
(72) The base level for anything approaching quality reproduction would be 64 levels and this needs over 6.5 megabytes.
(73) I shouldn't think he was searching for anything elusive. Low imagination count.
(74) She, Rosie, was game for anything, but poor Carlo hadn't been feeling exactly chipper.
(75) Require broadcasters to pay the government if they use the new airwaves for anything other than free services.
(76) No need to apologise for anything performed with ensemble like this and commitment of this calibre.
(77) The worst thing that could possibly happen to anybody would be to not be used for anything by anybody. Thank you for using me, even though I didn't want to be used by anybody. Kurt Vonnegut 
(78) For anything up to £500, this place can fix you up with a fashion accessory in a class of its own.
(78) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(79) Its ceiling sloped and it held a narrow bed with a small table beside it; no space for anything else.
(80) It was unusual for anything in particular to happen in Mafeking Street.
(81) Duncan got in the cab and searched for anything that might have been left.
(82) No one at Exeter, it is hard to think otherwise, ever wanted for anything.
(83) She had scraped knees, dirt under her fingernails and a certain loathing for anything pink or frilly.
(84) She set off round the perimeter of the vast doorway, looking for anything that resembled a control panel.
(85) Why should I waste my time pondering over Luke's motives - for anything?
(86) And I wouldn't have missed your last customers for anything.
(87) It seemed they could have everything merely because they were boys, they would not have to sacrifice anything for anything else.
(88) Claudia Arbuthnot was never cross with him or punished him for anything.
(89) Uncle Matt was really cheap - he used to stay with us for weeks, and he never paid for anything.
(90) She had enough nerve for anything in her normal life but this contact with crime was different.
More similar words: anythinganything butif anythinglike anythinghardly anythingplaythingeverythingthink nothing of itthink nothing ofamaranthineliving thingthinghealth insurancenothingthingsfarthingbathingtithingmouthingseethingnothing butteethingloathingswathingsoothingsheathingknow nothingearthingfor nothingthinking
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